(2005) a collaboration with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
(Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Physical & Chemical Exposure Unit),
within the framework of the IMAGINE-FP6 project – for determining the correction
to be applied to measurements to determine exposure (as required by the 2002/49/EC
Directive). These results have influenced the review of the ISO standard 1996:2;
(2005-2006) a contract with the Department of Physics of the University of Pisa (I)
for supporting the teaching in the course of Environmental Acoustics;
(2005-2007) a collaboration with the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes
of CNR (Italian National Research Council) and ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency
for Tuscany Region) within the “Pisa noise mapping project” which has delivered a
study on the uncertainties related to noise mapping and the first noise map in Italy,
completed taking into account the prescriptions of the Good Practice Guide of the
WG-AEN and the results of the IMAGINE project;
(2008) A collaboration with Greater London Authority (GLA), in the framework of a
contract with Imperial College (IC) Consultants, to characterize the acoustical quality
of some noisy urban areas in London (UK) from the point of view of the users’ perception,
to design active sound-masking installations and study their long-term effects on